Peony Yu Mau-tan’s enthusiasm is boundless whenever she talks about the Institute’s past. To Peony, when the Institute of Language in Education moved from its humble compound on Bonham Road to the new 12.5-hectare campus in Tai Po, it was as if a dream had come true.

Peony was heavily involved in the setting up of the Centre for Language in Education in the early days. As the Executive Officer of an academic department, her priorities were to follow the Department Head’s instructions, coordinating the internal operations of the department, supporting academic staff and students, and creating a comfortable office environment.

Over the years, Peony has gained tremendous people skills from her three supervisors, including appreciation and respect for, as well as trust in, others. She is grateful that she has been able to grow hand-in-hand with her colleagues who so kindly provide such strong mutual support at work. Josephine Cheung Wan-ha is one of them.

Every day is a new day. Peony greets each day with a positive attitude, eager to learn and improve.