The publication of this book would not have been possible, without the cooperation of the many staff, students, alumni and friends of the Institute. We would like to thank all those, who after much persuasion, consented to be interviewed. We appreciate that many of them did not realise just how much time would be involved – apart from the interview itself, activities included photo shoots, video-taping sessions, responding to our many emails to verify facts, proofreading their stories ... and the list goes on. The editorial team* is most grateful to them all.
We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication. However, if there are any inaccuracies, omissions or inadequacies, they are the responsibility of the editorial team alone.
We hope that this book will serve as an interesting retrospect of the Institute’s first 15 years of development and provide a pool of collective HKIEd memories that all of us can share.
*The editorial team consists of staff members from the HKIEd’s Communications and Institutional Advancement Office.