Everybody in the Property and Facility Division calls Daniel “Yeung Sir”. In their minds, Yeung Sir is a pleasant and amiable supervisor. “Absolutely no barrier” is Daniel’s favourite catch-phrase when he talks about his own management philosophy. He believes that a harmonious working environment is most important. In staff management, he adheres to one single belief — it must be people-oriented. Founded upon frank and open communication, the healthy system Daniel and his colleagues have worked so hard to develop over the past ten years continues to operate as smoothly as ever.

Looking at our campus facilities over the years, we have seen many improvements. For instance, the CCTV system has been upgraded and video recordings are now digitalised. With the onset of the new 3-3-4 academic structure, new extensions within the Tai Po Campus will also soon follow. Yet, what makes Daniel most proud is the fact that the crime rate on campus, since the Institute moved in, is virtually “zero”.