“Black Pig”: Hi, “White Pig”! Do your classmates still mistake you for me?

“White Pig”: Yes, especially when I was in Year One. Even the student hostel staff and lecturers mistook me for you, causing many funny incidents.

“Black Pig”: Perhaps it is because we are both Physical Education students and of similar height.

“White Pig”: That’s not bad at all, because many people like me a lot!

Lai Kong-ip has been a football fan since his childhood days. Unfortunately, he had to undergo a major operation, after he hurt his back when he was a Year One student at the HKIEd. For a sporty person, that was a really tough challenge. While recuperating from the surgery, “Black Pig” was determined to overcome his injury. With grit and determination he succeeded, re-joining the football team shortly afterwards. His lecturers often remind “Black Pig” that he should aim to become a PE teacher with both wisdom and strength – and that is exactly the direction he is heading for. He is also determined to be a good example for his younger brother. Their father is always full of praise when he mentions his two sons in their circle of friends and relatives. He very proudly emphasises that the two brothers are set to become “excellent teachers” of tomorrow.