OCIO provide PC, printer, notebook and other peripherals for the office automation use. Each staff could have a desktop PC and access to printer (network or local) according to the norm. Notebook computers and other peripherals are provided to department for share use according to the norm. Discuss with your Departmental Computer Coordinator (DCC) in your department regarding your PC provision. The Office PC provided to each staff will have standard software provided. These equipment provided by OCIO will be maintained and support by OCIO.
Department's special needs, such as hardware and software for teaching and research will be budgetted by departments and other funds (e.g. Research Grant) and will be acquired and supported by the department concerned.
Network Infrastructure and cabling are provided centrally. For additional datapoints, please kindly apply using F012 - New Data Point Request Form and F006 - Data Point Activation Request Form
Enquiry on resources allocated by OCIO, please kindly contact 2948 6601.