Where to get help
OCIO provides technical support services to the user community. When you encounter software usage or hardware problems or if you have enquiries about our services, you may get help through any of the following means:- Check FAQ
- Send Email
- Seek Advice from Student Consultants
- Call IT Help Desk Hotline
- Visit the IT Help Desk Counter
FAQ - faq
When you encounter usage problems or if you have enquiries about our services, you may help yourself by going through the FAQ, where you can find answers for most of the common questions.
Email - helpdesk@ocio.eduhk.hk
Email is a convenient mean for general enquiries, reporting problems, requesting non-urgent services and seeking technical assistance. If you cannot find the answers to your questions from the FAQ, you can send in your enquiries anytime to IT Help Desk. Users are encouraged to use this channel as far as possible. Please send in your enquiries with detailed symptoms of the problems, such as the date and time when the problems occur and the error messages. We usually reply your email within one working day.

Student Consultants
OCIO recruits fellow students as Student Consultants to serve in student areas in Tai Po campus to provide general and operation support. They will supplement our support staff to provide quality services to our users. The Student Consultants counter is located in the Learning Commons and you are welcome to consult the Student Consultants for minor problems; but for complicated problems, please consult our professional staff in IT Help Desk Office.

IT Help Desk Hotline 2948 6601
For urgent problems, users need advices from our duty staff to identify the problems or in cases where computers are not available for sending emails, users can call the IT Help Desk Hotline. The Hotline is answered by professional staff during opening hours. Interactive Voice Response System will be activated to record the calls if the line is busy or when the Help Desk is closed. The Hotline is a valuable resource for handling emergencies and critical problems. Please use it with care to avoid the Hotline being overloaded.

IT Help Desk Counter
For problems that cannot be easily explained or demonstrated via phone or email, users can visit the IT Help Desk Office during opening hours. The IT Help Desk Office is equipped with typical hardware and software equipment for demonstrating problems and solutions.