Software Asset Management @ EdUHK

The University respects the ownership of intellectual property and is committed to protecting its rights and complies with the law. All staff members are to observe the Software Asset Management policies and procedures (the SAM policies) so as to ensure that the University complies with the Copyright Ordinance of the HKSAR Government on the use of computer software.

University SAMCO

SITM (US) of OCIO is assigned the role of the University's Software Asset Management Coordinator (SAMCO) to liaise with Departmental SAMCOs on software asset management issues. For enquiries on the matter, please do not hesitate to contact him.

Departmental SAMCO

Departmental Computer Coordinators (DCCs) of faculties/departments/units/offices are nominated the role of Departmental SAMCOs, who can delegate the day-to-day operation to other colleagues if needed. Individual departments that would like to nominate colleagues other than the DCC to be the Departmental SAMCO could contact OCIO. For details, please refer to the Departmental SAMCO List.

All software acquired by your department should be recorded in the Software Inventory System for SAM - .
