What is Departmental Computer Coordinator or DCC?

DCC is the focal point(s) in the department to liaise with OCIO on services and resource provided by OCIO. They will work closely with OCIO as communication channels between OCIO and the departments concerned.

Terms of Reference

  • Assist the department/unit/centre/office head to liaise with OCIO regarding our services and provisions;
  • Advise OCIO on IT requirements in the department concerned;
  • Disseminate major announcements and emergency notices from OCIO to relevant parties in the departments
  • Take up the role of the Departmental Software Asset Management Coordinator (SAMCO) if needed. 

List of Departmental Computer Coordinator (DCC) / Departmental Software Asset Management Coordinator (SAMCO)

Office of the PresidentDCCSAMCO
Offices of the President (P)CHEUNG, Hei Tung CHEUNG, Hei Tung 
 Alumni Affairs and Development Office (AADO)MAN, Lai Wah MaggieMAN, Lai Wah Maggie
 Communications Office (CO)Au Yeung Wing Yee Milly  Au Yeung Wing Yee Milly  
 Student Affairs Office (SAO)YU, Hui Shan NatalieYU, Hui Shan Natalie
 Office of Institutional Data and Research (OIDR)NG, Wai Yi Annie NG, Wai Yi Annie 

Faculties/Departments/Academic UnitsDCCSAMCO
Academy for Educational Development and Innovation (AEDI)CHAN Fung Ming JaniceCHAN Fung Ming Janice
-Institute of Professional and Vocational Education and Lifelong Learning (IPVELL)  
-Institute of Special Needs and Inclusive Education (ISNIE)NG, Wai KuenNG, Wai Kuen
-Centre for Chinese and Multilingual Education Development (CCMED)  
-Centre for Chinese Classical Education (CCCE)LAU, Sze Wai Euginia LAU, Sze Wai Euginia 
-Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)LAM, Tsui Miu MilkLAM, Tsui Miu Milk
-Centre for Religious and Spirituality Education (CRSE)LEUNG, Hui Nam JosephineLEUNG, Hui Nam Josephine
-CKC TechCulture Innovation Centre (CKCTIC)ZHUANG, Miaoyu ZHUANG, Miaoyu 
-Xiqu and Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre (XICH)  
Academy for Applied Policy Studies and Education Futures (AAPSEF)Cheong Wing Sze CiciCheong Wing Sze Cici
-Artificial Intelligence and Digital Competency Education Centre (AIDCEC)SIT Chun Yan EnochSIT Chun Yan Enoch
-Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education (CEIE)SIN, Hoi Man Cherise SIN, Hoi Man Cherise 
-Centre for Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies (CHELPS)LAU, Ching Kong AaronLAU, Ching Kong Aaron
-National Security and Legal Education Research Centre (NSLERC)  
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (FLASS)LAM, Wai ChuenLAM, Wai Chuen
-Department of Cultural and Creative Arts (CCA)CHAN, Mei King ElsaCHAN, Ming Chiu
-Department of Health and Physical Education (HPE)WONG-CHEUNG, Mei Yee LiddyWONG-CHEUNG, Mei Yee Liddy
-Department of Mathematics and Information Technology (MIT)SO, Cheuk Sze TracyLAU, Chi Kong Ken (Maths)
TANG, Kin Sing Eric (IT)
-Department of Science and Environmental Studies (SES)Yip, Sai Kit EddieYip, Sai Kit Eddie
-Department of Social Sciences and Policy Studies (SSPS)CHEN, Ping Sheng EddieCHEN, Ping Sheng Eddie
-Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development (CESD)  
-Resource Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies and Experiential Learning (RCISEL)LI, Lok ManLI, Lok Man
Faculty of Education and Human Development (FEHD)Leung, Yuk Man EvelynLeung, Yuk Man Evelyn
-Department of Curriculum and Instruction (C&I)WONG, Suk Yee VannesaWONG, Suk Yee Vannesa
-Department of Early Childhood Education (ECE)CHENG, Kam Chi GigiCHENG, Kam Chi Gigi
-Department of Education Policy and Leadership (EPL)LAI, Tak Yee CassLAI, Tak Yee Cass
-Department of International Education (IE)LOK, Vanessa LOK, Vanessa 
-Department of Psychology (PS)CHING, Sze Wing SereneCHING, Sze Wing Serene
-Department of Special Education and Counselling (SEC)CHAN, Sze WaiCHAN, Sze Wai
-Centre for Child and Family Science (CCFS)CHUNG, Kit Fun CatherineCHUNG, Kit Fun Catherine
-Centre for Psychosocial Health (CPH)TSANG, Hing Ni HelenaTSANG, Hing Ni Helena
-Integrated Centre for Wellbeing (I-WELL)Cheung Ka Ling, JamieCheung Ka Ling, Jamie
Faculty of Humanities (FHM)CHAN, Wai Man CHAN, Wai Man 
-Department of Chinese Language Studies (CHL)Wong Man ChunWong Man Chun
-Department of English Language Education (ELE)CHEUNG Ching Yin YokoCHEUNG Ching Yin Yoko
-Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies (LML)TAM, Ho Yeung Jacky TAM, Ho Yeung Jacky 
-Department of Literature and Cultural Studies (LCS)Cheng Wing Wai, KunnaCheng Wing Wai, Kunna
-Centre for Language in Education (CLE)LEUNG, Wing See Kevin LEUNG, Wing See Kevin
-Centre for Research on Chinese Language and Education (CRCLE)ZHOU, Jiyuan ZHOU, Jiyuan 
-Centre for Research on Linguistics and Language Studies (CRLLS)  
-International Research Centre for Cultural Studies (IRCCS)  
-Research Centre for Chinese Literature and Literary Culture (RCCLLC)  
Graduate School (GS)POON, Sin Yi TeresaPOON, Sin Yi Teresa
Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC)KAM, Lok Sze IrisKAM, Lok Sze Iris
General Education Office (GEO)CHAN, Wing Yiu EuniceCHAN, Wing Yiu Eunice
Global Affairs Office (GAO)WONG, Man LingWONG, Man Ling
Library (LIB)HAU, Hork Koag KevinHAU, Hork Koag Kevin
Hong Kong Museum of Education (HKME)LIN, Suhan SukyLIN, Suhan Suky
Registry (REG)CHAN, Mei Po MabelCHAN, Mei Po Mabel
School Partnership & Field Experience Office (SPFEO)PAO, Shun Shing Frank PAO, Shun Shing Frank 

Research and Development UnitsDCCSAMCO
Assessment and Research Centre (ARC)LAM, Sze MingLAM, Sze Ming
Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change (APCLC)Lam Shing Hei AlfredLam Shing Hei Alfred
Centre for Governance and Citizenship (CGC)CHING, Hong YeeCHING, Hong Yee
Research & Development Office (RDO)Lam Ka YinLam Ka Yin 

Administrative OfficesDCCSAMCO
Estates Office (EO)LAU, Shun Nin NigelLAU, Shun Nin Nigel
Finance Office (FO)HO, Wai LokHO, Wai Lok
Human Resources Office (HRO)LEE, Yuen Man Mandy LEE, Yuen Man Mandy 
Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)SHING, Wai Man BonnieSHING, Wai Man Bonnie
TKO Study Centre (SCO)YEUNG, Hang Fan AliceYEUNG, Hang Fan Alice

Other OfficesDCCSAMCO
Project Aspire (PROJ-ASP)CHOW, Man YuiCHOW, Man Yui

Annual Meeting with DCC (for staff only)