Connection Procedures: (screen capture based on Windows XP wireless connection utility)

  1. Right click the wireless connection icon on the task bar and choose "View Available Wireless Networks" to open the wireless connection utility. 
    Prompt up window from wireless connection icon

  2. From the right hand side of the window, highlight "HKIEdGuests/VPN" and click "Connect
    wireless network connection windows

  3. Then it will pop up a window saying that you are connecting to a unsecured network. Press "Connect Anyway
    pop up window

  4. It will then start to connect to the wireless network. It will show "Connected" when done. 
    Successful connection image

  5. Start Internet Explorer, then a welcome page will be shown. Please click "Accept" to accept the 'Terms of Use'. 
    welcome page

  6. Now you may surf the Internet over the HKIEd wireless network.