Advanced Photoshop (One Day)

  • Painting
    1. Painting tool
    2. Select brush preset
    3. Create and manage preset brushes
    4. Erase
    5. Gradients
    6. Fill and stroke selections and layers
    7. Create and manage patterns
    8. Choose foreground and background colors
  • Make Professional Selections
    1. Create selections
    2. Adjust pixel selections
    3. Soften and refine the edges of a selection
    4. Move, copy and paste selctions and layers
    5. Save, load, deselect selections
  • Retouching
    1. Retouch and repair images
    2. Use the liquify filter
  • More Advanced Layers Setup
    1. Blending options
    2. Adjustment layer
    3. Clipping mask
  • Tips & Tricks
    1. Create a neutral density filter effect
    2. Remove color with the blend if option
    3. Create borders with quick mask mode
    4. Give an image a hand-sketched effect