Classroom Training

Introduction to Wireless Network and Security (Half Day)

(9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

  • Computer Security Basics
    1. What is Computer Security
    2. How Easy to Break Into My Computer
    3. Computer Security Risks to Computer Users
    4. Physical Security Issue
    5. What is Wireless LAN Security
    6. Wireless LAN Security modes
    7. Security Threats and Risks Associated with Wireless Networks
  • Techniques used by Hackers
    1. Backdoor and Remote Administration Program
    2. Trojan Horse Program
    3. Denial of Service
    4. Packet Sniffing
    5. Web Unexpected Input
    6. Java, JavaScript and Active X
    7. Email Spoofing
    8. Viruses and Worms
    9. Internet Pop-up
    10. Zero-day attack
    11. Other Hack Tools
  • Anti-Virus Software
    1. How Do You Know Your PC is Infected by Virus?
    2. Popular Virus Protection Software
    3. Right Click Scanning
    4. On-Demand Scanning
    5. Virus Definition
    6. Handling of Unknown Virus
  • Use a Firewall
    1. Types of Firewall
    2. Which one is Suitable for Individual Use
    3. Introduce Windwos Firewall
  • Applying Patches, Running Windows Updates & Internet Protection
    1. Microsoft Windows
    2. Windows Automatic Updates
    3. Microsoft Office
    4. Internet Explorer
    5. Pop-up Blocker
    6. Clear Auto Complete
  • Practicing Safe Computing
    1. Don't Open Unknown email
    2. Disable Hidden Filename Extensions
    3. Turn off your Computer or Disconnect from the Network When Not in Use
    4. About History
    5. Disable Auto-complete
    6. Disable Cookies in the browsers
    7. Disable Java, JavaScript and ActiveX if possible
    8. Disable Plug-ins
    9. Avoid Malicious Sites
    10. Disable Scripting features in email programs
    11. Phishing Filter in IE7
    12. Exercise - Setting in IE7
    13. Windows User Account Control
    14. UAC Setting in Windows
    15. Set Security Level in MS Office
    16. Using Backups to Protect Your Data
    17. Protect with Screen-Saver Settings
    18. Safety tips on using WLAN
    19. Configuring Secured Connection for WLAN
    20. Data Protection with Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption
    21. USB device Security
    22. Notebook Security