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Campus View 75
Student Halls
Hall Application, 2024/25

Round 2 - In-bound Exchange, New RPG, New Non-local UGC-F UG and PGDE Students (29 July - 1 August 2024)


  • (Round 2) Guidelines on Application for Student Accommodations, 2024/25 (PDF)


  • iHostel User Guides:

    for Research Postgraduate students

PDF Version

Video Demonstration

    for UGC-funded UG, PGDE & HD(ECE) students

PDF Version Video Demonstration

    for Exchange students

PDF Version

Video Demonstration





Round 1 - Returning UGC-F RPG, UG, PGDE, HD(ECE) & SF UG Students (26 April - 5 May 2024)


  • (Round 1) Cut-off points for FT UGC-F UG students (non-voucher holders or those opted not using vouchers only) 


 Room Type













Whole Year

Sem 1

Sem 2

Whole Year

Sem 1

Sem 2

Whole Year

Sem 1

Sem 2

Whole Year

Sem 1

Sem 2


(Standard Room)

44 45 31 53 55 31 47 51 35 56 59 36


(Budget Room)

39 41 30 43 48 35 38 39 30 N.A. N.A. N.A.


(Standard Room)

54 57 38 60 62 40 49 52 37 47 50 42


(Budget Room)

44 45 38 44 45 39 40 40 36 N.A. N.A. N.A.



1. N.A. refers to no such room type is offered in specific hall / to non-voucher holders in this round.

2. No offers have been issued to returning UGC-F HD(ECE) students due to limited hall place availability.

3. No application was received from returning UGC-F PGDE and SF UG students.


  • Hall Briefing Session for Round 1 Hall Application (PowerPoint Slides) (PDF)


  • (Round 1) Guidelines on Application for Student Accommodations, 2024/25 (PDF)


  • Important Notes / Templates for Download for Address Proofs of Section A (applicable to local students)



   Required Address Proof               Scenario 1                        Scenario 2                             Scenario 3 (Type A)      Scenario 3 (Type B)   

                                                                           (Student Applicants)             (Parents or grandparents)           (Student-applicants’ relative other than parents or grandparents)

    Declaration Templates                  Declaration                       Oath

                                                                 (for Scenario 3, Type A)          (for Scenario 3, Type B)