




截止申請日期: 2025年3月31日

Requirements of IB Teaching Strand of

Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as an International Language (MATCIL)


Number of quotas for students of IB Teaching Strand (IBTS): 25+


+ The actual number of IBTS quotas is subject to review each year. Students will first be admitted into the MATCIL programme and then apply for IBTS at the beginning of semester I. Applicants will need to take the IBTS admission test and attend a selection interview (if any).


A)    Entrance requirements of IBTS#


  • Obtained the Qualified Teacher Status; and
  • Pass the IBTS admission test; and
  • Attend a selection interview (if any)

# A selection panel comprising the Programme Leader and Programme Committee Members will be responsible for selecting candidates to IBTS. The selection panel may conduct interviews and make recommendations based on the test results and the interview performance of the students.


B)     List of courses


Selected students who take the IBTS have to take 4 Programme core courses with IB assignments, 2 IBTS core courses (CHI6709 - DP of IB and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language and FEX6118 - Field Experience in IB schools) and 3 elective courses with IB assignments (including 2 courses from CHI6527, CHI6609 and CHI6680; and 1 from any elective courses in the MATCIL curriculum). The structure and courses of the IBTS are listed below.


Programme structure of IB Teaching Strand


Type of courseNo. of courseCourse requiredCredit Points
Core4CHI6493, CHI6497, CHI6498, CHI649912 cps
IBTS Core2CHI6709, FEX61189 cps
Elective3At least 2 from CHI6527, CHI6609, CHI6680 and9 cps
Any 1 from the elective
Total:30 cps


Course list for IB Teaching Strand


Course CodeCourse TitleType of course
CHI6493Design of Chinese Language Curriculum, Instruction Materials and TeachingCore
CHI6497Pedagogy on International Chinese: Phonetics, Listening and SpeakingCore
CHI6498Pedagogy on International Chinese: Literacy, Reading and WritingCore
CHI6499Second Language Acquisition and Chinese Language LearningCore
CHI6709Diploma Programme (DP) of International Baccalaureate (IB) and Teaching Chinese as a Second LanguageIBTS Core
FEX6118Field ExperienceIBTS Core
CHI6527Language Teaching and IT LiteracyElective*
CHI6609Research Methods in L2 TeachingElective*
CHI6680Intercultural CommunicationElective*
CHI6494Discourse AnalysisElective
CHI6503Special Topics in Chinese Language and CultureElective
CHI6505Special Topics in Linguistic Theory and Second Language PedagogyElective
CHI6546Special Topics in Chinese LinguisticsCore/Elective@

Chinese Language Teaching and Care

CUS6010Special Topics in Chinese Classics and CultureElective
LIT6031Drama and Language ArtsElective
LIT6032Literature and FilmElective
LIT6033Selected Readings in Chinese ClassicsElective
LIT6034The Internet Literature and Popular CultureElective
LIT6036Special Topics in Children’s LiteratureElective

* IBTS students are required to take at least 2 out of these 3 elective courses.


@ Non-Chinese Major students must take CHI6546 as a core course.


Please note that not all electives will be offered every year. 



Selected students who fulfilled the above requirements (A and B) will be eligible to apply for the IB Certificate in Teaching and Learning (Diploma Programme)  through the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) upon graduation.


To gain an IB certificate in teaching and learning with IBO, you must complete the process^ below:

  1. Complete the online IB enrollment form provided by EdUHK to become a candidate for the certificate at the beginning of the programme of study;
  2. Upon completion of your programme of study, register for your certificate online with a link provided by IBO (Global Professional Development); and
  3. Complete the payment process.


^ For details information of applying IB certificate, please refer to the IBO website:





Any aspect of the courses and course offerings (including, without limitation, the contents of the course and the manner in which the course is taught) may be subject to change at any time at the sole discretion of the University if necessary. Without limiting the generality of the University’s discretion to revise the courses and course offerings, it is envisaged that changes may be required due to factors including staffing, enrolment levels, logistical arrangements, curriculum changes, and other factors caused by change of circumstances. Tuition fees, once paid, are non-refundable.
