我們的足跡 人文學院致力透過提供跨學科課程、舉辦國際會議、 ![]() 大灣區的合作與研究平台 我們的研究人員開展了不同研究和合作研究項目,希望藉此與大灣區的合作夥伴建立更緊密的聯繫。例如, 中國語言學系助理教授王聰博士獲得法國國家科研署與研資局合作研究計劃撥款一百九十五萬港元,資助其項目「大灣區漢語方言的語言接觸與地域擴散研究」。 我們的合作夥伴橫跨大灣區,並會積極推動與大灣區高校的合作研究活動。 ![]() 大灣區的知識轉移活動 我們的研究人員致力將語言、文學和文化等方面的專業知識傳播給社區和大灣區。我們的知識轉移活動包括建立網上平台(例如「語料庫教學支援網上平台」)、舉辦關於語言教學和學習的公開講座、國際知識轉移論壇、會議、工作坊等,以滿足來自不同背景的參與者的需要,包括研究人員、教育工作者、在職或職前教師、研究生和家長。 這些活動不僅吸引了來自香港和大灣區的參與者,也吸引了來自中國內地其他地區的人士參與。知識轉移活動不僅是我們研究人員把知識轉播給社會的途徑,同時還加強了學院的研究實力,並擴展我們在大灣區的研究網絡。透過在這些活動中積極進行學術交流,香港教育大學和其他大灣區城市的學生都能獲益良多。 ![]() |
- 暨南大學
- 澳門科技大學
- 華南師範大學
- 澳門大學
- 中山大學
- 深圳大學
- 暨南大學
- 廣東外語外貿大學
- 澳門科技大學
- 廣州大學
- 廣州城建職業學院
- 中山大學
Dr JIN Jing (As Key Member)
Department of Chinese Language Studies
January 2024
Dr ZHANG Ling(As Co-I )
Department of Chinese Language Studies
Dr CHEUNG Lin Hong(As Co-I )
Department of Chinese Language Studies / Centre for Research on Chinese Language and Education
December 2022
Department of English Language Education
December 2022
The feedback literacy scale has been developed and the research team will be pilot testing and refining the questionnaire. Manuscript writing will follow.
Centre for Research on Linguistics and Language Studies
23 to 24 April 2022
Grounded on the clinical language assessment system developed by Prof Cheung Hin Tat. The workshop was pitched to health professionals in speech-language rehabilitating units in the Mainland and interested staff members at EdUHK.
Dr MAK Wing Wah Pauline (As PI)
Department of English Language Education
June 2022
The aim of this project is to develop assessment literacy in formative assessment (FA) in EFL writing among principals, teachers and students through school-university partnerships in support of the implementation and sustainability of FA in writing classrooms. The project ended in June 2022 and the project team is currently working on report writing, data analysis and manuscript writing.
Dr MAK Wing Wah Pauline (As PI)
Department of English Language Education
September 2023
The project aims to examine the effectiveness of the use of portfolio assessment (PA) with a focus on Assessment as Learning (AaL) in improving students’ writing abilities, investigate the attitude of teachers and students towards the use of PA to promote AaL in the teaching and learning of writing, as well as explore the challenges teachers face and support they need in its implementation through a year-long integration of AaL-oriented portfolios as an assessment innovation in elementary writing classrooms. The two schools implemented PA for one academic year and data collection has been completed.
Dr YU Baohua(as PI)
Department of English Language Education
21 December 2021
The sudden outbreak of COVID-19, which has presented great challenges to pedagogy, has catalyzed the transition of teaching and learning to online mode. With the aim to examine the facilitating factors in positive learning outcomes in online learning environments, this study employed survey questionnaires to collect data among university students from different universities in Hong Kong, Macao and Mainland China. It was found that instructors played an important role and learners’ self-efficacy and self-regulation skills were also important in explaining positive learning outcomes in online courses. Pedagogical implications for teachers, educators and students and university policy implications are discussed.
Department of English Language Education
This study proposes a framework for evidence source evaluation (ESE), and develops a collaborative learning design using this framework to enhance learners’ ESE ability.
Department of Literature and Cultural Studies
( published by Cultural Affairs Bureau (Macao SAR) )
A monograph entitled Introducing Macanese Modernist Poetry will be published by Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao SAR Government (the Bureau) in early 2023. The book offers recent theoretical debates alongside useful analysis of the field of Macanese modernism, which is a direct research output of a project funded by the Bureau’s “Academic Research Grant”.
Dr GU Ming Yue Michelle (as PI)
Department of English Language Education
May 2022 - April 2024
This study aims to investigate the associations of different constructs underlying DL competence with digital literacy practices in teaching and teacher identity (task perception and self-efficacy of applying digital applications in teaching).
Dr MA Qing and her team
(Drs WANG Lixun, Jackie LEE and Rebecca CHEN)
Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies
This project will provide a two-phase corpus-based training for in-service teachers in primary, secondary and vocational schools in the Greater Bay Area, including cities such as Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Zhuhai and Huizhou. Through the development and implementation of workshop series, online self-learning materials, teacher professional training and consultancy provided for schools, this proposed project is expected to develop school teachers’ understanding and implementation of an innovative corpus-based language pedagogy that is developed co-jointly from two areas, i.e., corpus linguistics and educational technologies, with the long term benefits of maximising school teachers’ potential in sustainable self-learning for professional development and effectiveness in teaching.
Department of English Language Education
This case study focused on two groups of undergraduate students with different degrees of participation in discussions – one active group and one silent group – in a course on English for academic purposes (EAP) at a Chinese university. The findings suggest that the students utilized a series of reading strategies and drew on the ideational and linguistic resources shared within the group to build comprehension. Three key processes for comprehension co-construction were found: (1) paraphrasing to contribute personal understanding, (2) elaborating to clarify meanings, and (3) summarizing to build consensus. Pedagogical implications concerning the instruction and task design for collaborative academic reading are discussed.
- At the symposium, experts and scholars from the Greater Bay Area will speak about their research findings and teaching experience, and their exploration of new directions of research in Chinese language education. Furthermore, there will be a Student Paper Award competition for pre-service teachers of Chinese as a second language on the topics of curriculum design, teaching materials, teaching methods and assessments for Chinese as a second language in the Greater Bay Area, the linguistic and cultural features of the Greater Bay Area, and the strategies to address those features in teaching Chinese as a second language.
Department of Chinese Language Studies / Centre for Research on Chinese Language and Education
Shenzhen / Macao
Partnership (Institutions/organisations)
- CHL & CRCLE, EdUHK (Host)
- Shenzhen University (Collaborate)
- Macau University of Science and Technology (Collaborate)
- The Undergraduate Academic Conference on Humanities (UAC) has been organised annually since 2017 to nurture young research talents in humanities. Undergraduate/Sub-degree students of humanities from higher institutions in the local and Greater China Region (including the GBA region) are encouraged to participate in the UAC to facilitate academic exchanges.
17 June 2022
Partnership (Institutions/organisations)
- Guangdong University of Finance (Conference Panel Chair)
- Dr. Shi Jianguo, from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Macau, has been invited to give a professional development talk to Putonghua Enhancement Programme (PEP) team. The topic of his talk is "Teaching Putonghua in Greater Bay Area in the near future", which provides new insights for the teaching material development of the PEP.
Centre for Language in Education (CLE)
5 May 2022
Partnership (Institutions/organisations)
- University of Macau
- Dr Au Chung To' s weekly column, “Happy Croissant”, appears every Monday in Macao Daily News. Spanned a decade, her weekly column centers around travelling, daily life, literature, and films. Her book titled A Collection of Greek Stars(《希臘點點星集》), which is a collection of her weekly columns over the years, was published by Macao Daily News.
Department of Literature and Cultural Studies
Recurrent activity
Partnership (Institutions/organisations)
- Macao Daily
- This project builds on the research expertise of corpus linguistics of a corpus team at LML/FHM. The corpus team has successfully established an innovative language pedagogy - a corpus-based language pedagogy (CBLP). In the past years, great success has been achieved in providing CBLP training to both pre- and in-service English teachers in Hong Kong and the Greater Bay area (GBA). Now we would like to reinforce this CBLP approach and extend its educational impact from GBA to a broad international English teacher community. Specifically, we will provide CBLP training for English teachers in Hong Kong, mainland China (especially GBA), and other countries/regions (Taiwan, Macau, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, etc.).
Department of Linguistics and Modern Language Studies
Foshan / other areas in Mainland China
31 August 2022
Partnership (Institutions/organisations)
- Beijing Foreign Studies University
- As English language education and applied linguistics are gaining momentum in the GBA area, we hope that through this symposium we can strengthen academic exchanges and collaborations with GBA partners to further advance the field of English language education and applied linguistics.
Vice President (Academic) and Provost / Faculty of Humanities
Guangdong / Macao
7 December 2022
Partnership (Institutions/organisations)
- City University of Macau
- South China Normal University
- Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) held an online award ceremony for the third Greater Bay Area Life Education Writing Competition on 9 June 2022. The event attracted more than 200 schools and families. The competition’s themes were ‘gratitude’ and ‘love’ and received over 12,000 entries from over 500 schools in the Greater Bay Area, including Hong Kong, Macau, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Zhongshan. In his opening address at the ceremony, Professor John Lee Chi-kin, Vice President (Academic) and Provost, said, “As a university focusing on teacher education in Hong Kong, EdUHK adheres to its Education-plus approach to promote values and life education in society. Professor John Erni, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities (FHM), added that gratitude and love are also universal values.Leading experts, including Professor Wang Ning from Beijing Normal University, were invited to act as consultants for the competition. For details and the awardee list, please refer to the CHL website.
Department of Chinese Language Studies
Hong Kong / Macao / Dongguan / Shenzhen / Huizhou / Guangzhou / Zhaoqing / Jiangmen / Zhongmen / Foshan / Zhaoqing
Summer 2021/22
(Award Ceremony: 9 June 2022)
Partnership (Institutions/organisations)
- Hong Kong Principals Professional Development Association
- Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Primary and Secondary School Principals Association
- The Hong Kong New Seedling International Education Group
- Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Education Research Association
- Students are required to participate in the Mandatory Internship Programme in their summer after Year 3 either in Hong Kong or the Greater Bay Area in order to fulfill the graduation requirement. The Internship aims to enable students to integrate and apply in real-life settings the knowledge and skills gained in their studies. The Internship also prepares students to handle challenges they may encounter in real work situations, and provides opportunities for them to consider their future career directions.
Mission Hills (TBC)
Recurrent in every summer
- A Major Core course titled "English for Cross-Cultural Communication in the Greater Bay Area and Beyond" with a GBA focus will be offered. This course aims to strengthen students’ English speaking and writing abilities by engaging with a wide range of original sources. It also prepares them with enhanced competitiveness and international competence for living and working in a cross-cultural context. In addition, the course will cover practical skills for communication and translation in diverse cultural situations and for critically analysing different culture-specific rules of the use of language.
BA (Hons) in English Studies and Digital Communication
Recurrent course activity to be offered in every Semester I
- Students will participate in one to two field trips each academic year to visit prestigious tech companies in Shenzhen (or any other city in the GBA) as an experiential learning event. It will be a day trip without staying overnight. A cultural tour to nearby historical monuments, museums or spots related to the programme nature such as OCT-LOFT Creative Cultural Park, Shenzhen Science and Technology Park in the Nanshan District will also be arranged. (tentative)
BA (Hons) in English Studies and Digital Communication
Recurrent activity to be offered in every year
- Field Experience (FE) is an invaluable learning opportunity for the programme participants. During the FE period, the participants progressively conducted independent classroom or online teaching with a considerable level of collaboration with their peers in terms of choice of teaching approaches, task design, materials resourcing and preparation.
• School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong
• The ISF Academy
• ESF Wu Kai Sha International Kindergarten
• Malvern College Hong Kong
• Han Academy
• SPACE, The University of Hong Kong
• Sha Tin Junior School
• International School of Nanshan Shenzhen
• Zhuhai International School
Hong Kong/Shenzhen/Zhuhai
Recurrent activity to be offered in every year