人文學院研究人員 - 張凌博士

人文學院研究人員 - 張凌博士
- Language Education
- Literature
As a researcher, I have a wide range of research interests in Chinese linguistics (especially phonetics), and the applied linguistic studies in Chinese language education, including L1 and L2. As a teacher, I received the President’s Teaching Award of EdUHK in 2022 and the Faculty’s Teaching Award of FHM in 2021. The core of my teaching philosophy is CARE (Creative-Adaptive-Reflective-Effective), which is also the approach that I have applied in supervising students to conduct research work. Research is fun! Welcome to join my research team, and let’s work together to explore various fascinating research topics! For more communication, please feel free to contact me directly (zhangl@eduhk.hk).
- Zhang, Ling, Zhe Wu. 2023. Teaching Chinese Pinyin in international schools (primary section) in Hong Kong, in Hong, Jia-Fei, Chung-mou Si (eds.), Teaching Chinese Language in the International School Context, 137-159, Springer.
- 張凌, 史常力. 2023. 粵港澳大灣區國際中文師資培訓的調查和反思, 國際中文教育學報, 13, 51-72.
- 高雨茹, 張凌. 2023. 《經典詠流傳》對傳統詩詞唱誦的傳承, 國際視聽研究, 3, 150-158.
- 鄧思穎, 張凌, 譚家明. 2023. 助詞的句法語音特點——以粵語“呢”為例. 中國語文, 413, 131-138.
- 張凌. 2022. 香港粵語帶語氣詞的易位句之語音實驗初探. 語言學論叢, 2022(1), 120-129.
- Zhang, Ling. 2022. Syllable isochrony and the prosodic features of stop syllables in Cantonese. Language and Linguistics, 23(1), 20-46.
- 張凌. 2021. 香港人學習普通話的聲調偏誤之聲學分析 [Acoustic analyses of Mandarin tone errors by Hong Kong speakers ]. 中國語文通訊 [Current Research in Chinese Linguistics],100(1), 1-9.
- 張凌. 2020. 普通話和臺灣國語在語流中的節奏特徵——以《還珠格格》爲例. 中國語音學報, 14, 125-132.
- Zhang, Ling, Liu Shi. 2020. Acoustic analysis of Chinese tone production by Thai-speaking learners of L2 Chinese. Journal of Second Language Studies, 3(2), 180-204.
- Zhang, Ling. 2016. Intonation Effects on Cantonese Lexical Tones in Speaking and Singing. München, Germany: Lincom Academic Publishers.
2023 | (With my EdD student, XU, Jingjing) Young Scholar Paper Award, Second Prize, The 19th International Conference of Chinese as a Second Language (ICCSL19), Beijing Language and Culture University, China |
2022 | Young Scholar Paper Award, Third Prize, The 8th International Conference on Prosodic Grammar (ICPG-8), Shanghai University |
2020 | Young Scholar Paper Award of 2020 International Annual Conference of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, National Central University, Taiwan |
2020-2023 | Field Experience Supervision Appreciation Scheme - Award for Excellent FE Supervision |
2022 | President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching, The Education University of Hong Kong |
2021 | Faculty Teaching Award, Faculty of Humanities, The Education University of Hong Kong |