Page 42 - Mini-Module 11
P. 42

Writing Your Next Report

                          So when writing your next report, have a sheet of paper  handy and
                          write down your main headings. When you think of anything relevant,
                          make a note in the relevant section. When it is time to write the actual
                          report, you will have a number of points ready to guide your thinking.
                          You do not have to use them all of course, but it provides a very useful
                          'crib sheet' and because it is on one piece of paper, it is easier to see
                          how the points in each section might be related.

                          Figure 10 shows format for one of these sheets which you might use
                          when you write your next report. You could put the title at the top and
                          leave it in a handy place so that when you think of anything which is
                          relevant, you could jot a few notes down. You would then find these
                          helpful when you come to the real thing.

                          This form is used before you start writing the report proper. That is
                          why  it  does  not  have  a  conclusion  section.  You  cannot  reach
                          conclusions until you have obtained findings and discussed them.

                          Important reports may well require far more space than that on the
                          form. In that case, use a separate sheet of A4 paper for each heading. If
                          it  is  a  lengthy  investigation,  you  may  need  several  sheets  for  the
                          discussion section. Store the sheets as a separate electronic file, and
                          print out if you wish. You will find this more helpful than going straight
                          into the report. Writing those first few words is never easy, but if you
                          have notes laid out in a roughly logical sequence, it will be so much

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