Page 40 - Mini-Module 11
P. 40

Final Remarks

                          It is also an idea to put a small section in at the end just to refresh the
                          reader's memory about principal recommendations and benefits. It is
                          simply an attempt to reinforce the main message and to remove any
                          lingering doubts about the wisdom of what has been said. Where this
                          is not an issue, you may not need this section.
                          As noted earlier, you have to learn to tell a good story. If you follow
                          this format, it will help you do just that. You will explain what the point
                          of the story is and then set the scene. You will go on to outline the
                          problem with some supporting information. Then you will write about
                          what you found when you entered the 'forest' and what you made of
                          it. Finally, you will reach some conclusions, possibly followed by some
                          advice about how to make a better story.

                          So far in this section, we have looked at the main parts of the report.
                          We now want to consider briefly a few other parts which go to make
                          the finished product. These are the title page, the table of contents,
                          appendices and references.

                           ●   Tie the report together with a brief statement.
                           ●   Reinforce your key message.

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