Page 37 - Mini-Module 11
P. 37


                          These  will  emerge  from  the  analysis  of  the  facts  and  the  discussion.
                          Any  conclusions  you  reach  will  not  come  direct  from  the  results  or
                          findings but as a logical outcome of the analysis and discussion. If you
                          have reasoned the case well in the discussion, the reader should be
                          taken along with you into the conclusions and would almost be able to
                          tell what they are before reading.
                          You   may   also   have   considered   some   possible   options   for
                          recommendations  by  this  stage.  After  due  consideration  you  may
                          'conclude' that some are workable and others are not. In this section
                          you might explain the advantages or benefits of particular courses of
                          action. This leads the reader nicely into the recommendations you will
                          make,   because   you   will   have   shown   by   now   that   some
                          recommendations are just not viable whilst others have high potential.
                          Your reader should now have a fairly good idea of what you are going
                          to say in your next section.


                          ●    Reach conclusions from your reasoning during the discussion.
                          ●    Present relative advantages of various options.

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