Page 39 - Mini-Module 11
P. 39

You  must  also  explain  the  implications  of  your  recommendations  so
                          that an informed decision can be made. Now you are showing that you
                          have  thought  about  everything  possible  in  advance.  You  have
                          anticipated   problems   and   worked   out   costings   and   resource
                          implications. You have attempted to answer the important questions
                          the reader might ask. You cannot be reasonably expected to get it all
                          right of course, but you must demonstrate you have made every effort
                          to  cover  the  key  issues.  In  the  example  from  Figure  8,  you  would
                          explain the costs of hiring two additional staff, but set these against
                          the benefits.


                         ●    Show  how  your  recommendations  are  a  consequence  of  your
                         ●    Make them specific with clear guidelines for action.
                         ●    Make them realistic and workable.
                         ●    State time scales and personnel involved.

                         ●    Outline cost implications, if appropriate.

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