Page 44 - Mini-Module 11
P. 44

When It Is Finished

                           1.   Accuracy
                                When you have finished writing the report the job is not finished. If you
                                are given an important document to write, never aim to complete it
                                just  before  the  deadline  for  submission.  Depending  on  the  nature  of
                                the report, it may take up to a few days to knock into shape. You must
                                show that you are meticulous about accuracy, both of the information
                                and in the presentation. A report which has false data lacks credibility
                                and  so  does  the  author.  If  someone  demonstrates  that  the  facts  are
                                inaccurate  in  a  meeting,  your  report  will  at  least  lose  its  impact  and
                                may even be discarded.
                                Spelling mistakes and typographical errors may not be quite so serious
                                but  they  can  be   distracting  for  the  reader,  and  may  call  your
                                professionalism  into  question.  If  you  know  you  have  a  spelling
                                weakness (as we both do), get someone else to check the report or do
                                a spell check on the word processor. However, it is not good enough to
                                blame the computer for mistakes in an important report.

                           2.   Discard the Unnecessary
                                This  is  now  the  time  to  cut  the  'waffle'!  If  you  have  any  irrelevant
                                information  there,  take  it  out.  Ask  yourself  again:  'What  is  really
                                important?' You may have to be quite severe, but it is worth it in the
                                end when you produce a clear, highly focused document.
                                If you really want to put your report writing to the test, let someone
                                read it who is not familiar with your work, and ask them to mark those
                                parts which are not absolutely clear the first time she reads them. You
                                should not expect someone to read a sentence three times to grasp its
                                If parts of the report are unclear, they have to be rewritten. This need
                                not take too long and sometimes the change of the odd word here and
                                there will do the trick. There are occasions however when you have to
                                accept that a whole section has to be completely rewritten.


                           When It Is Finished:
                           ●    Check for accuracy.
                           ●    Cut the waffle.

                           ●    Put to the test and rewrite where meaning is unclear.

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