Page 46 - Mini-Module 11
P. 46

Figure 11:  The Finished Report: A Checklist

                    Have you:

                    Stated the purpose and intention of the report?                               □
                    Stated the major details of purpose, findings and recommendations in the summary?

                    Ensured all factual statements are accurate?                                  □

                    Presented your facts uncoloured by your opinions?                             □

                    Outlined the scope of your report?                                            □

                    Indicated for whom it is written?                                             □

                    Provided some details of the situation?                                       □

                    Stated the problem clearly?                                                   □

                    Provided important information which has a bearing on the problem?            □

                    Described how you collected your information?                                 □

                    Analysed your findings and discussed them?                                    □

                    Answered questions the reader will ask?                                       □

                    Reached conclusions based on your reasoning?                                  □

                    Made clear, purposeful and specific recommendations?                          □
                    Made recommendations which are a natural consequence of your conclusions?

                    Ensured recommendations indicate personnel to take action and a time scale?

                    Ensured your recommendations are realistic?                                   □

                    Included the resource cost implications?                                      □

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