Page 47 - Mini-Module 11
P. 47

Have you:
                    Identified constraints?

                    Written a coherent story?                                                    □
                    Checked it for typographical accuracy?

                    Discarded unnecessary information?                                           □

                    Got someone to test it for understanding?
                    Rewritten parts which are unclear?                                           □

                    Checked it for readability?

                    Ensured it looks good?                                                       □
                    Ensured there are adequate margins?

                    Given suitable spacing?                                                      □

                    Used illustrations to aid understanding?
                    Used short words?                                                            □

                    Used short sentences?

                    Used short paragraphs?                                                       □
                    Ensured everything falls under a heading or subheading?

                    Given it a title which shows clearly what it is about?                       □


                    K., Stott., and A., Walker. (1992). Making management work. Simon &
                    Schuster (Asia).

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