Page 38 - Mini-Module 11
P. 38


                          If these do not relate closely to your conclusions, you are hardly likely
                          to convince anyone to implement your recommendations. They should
                          be  a  natural  and  logical  consequence  of  everything  which  has  been
                          written before. These are the end of a story, one which makes sense.
                          The  readers  should  be  satisfied  therefore  that  they  have  read  a
                          convincing and coherent storyline.
                          Recommendations should be absolutely clear. They stand little chance
                          of success if they are vague. It is not a good idea, for example, to write:
                          'It is recommended that we consider the possibility of taking on extra
                          professional  support  staff  if  we  are  to  better  cater  for  minority
                          students.  It is difficult to believe anyone could take any action on a
                          recommendation  like  that.  How  many  ancillary  staff  should  be
                          employed? When  are  they  needed?  And  is  the  writer  trying  to  shirk
                          responsibility if things go wrong by referring to growth? Be precise and
                          ensure that you are realistic, and that you explain briefly why you have
                          chosen  that  course  of  action.  It  is  a  good  idea  to  type  the
                          recommendation statement in bold or italic characters (or underline)
                          and then give a few lines of explanation. An example is shown in Figure

                          Figure 8:  A Recommendation

                            Recommendation 1  Two  additional  professional  support  staff  should  be
                                                 employed immediately.

                           With increasing numbers of minority students, teachers are unable to
                           adequately meet their basic needs. Teachers are considerably overloaded. They
                           generally work all day on Saturday to prepare adequately.

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