人文學院研究人員 - 胡梓穎博士

人文學院研究人員 - 胡梓穎博士
Literature (Classical Chinese Opera, Formulated Exegesis and the Culture of Civil Service Examination, Ancient Chinese Stylistics, Classical Chinese Fiction, Ming-Qing Literature)
My research interests primarily center around the literature and literati culture of the Ming and Qing dynasties. I aim to investigate the interplay among various art forms, such as opera, fiction, formulated exegesis (commonly known as the eight-legged essays), and other genres, in shaping Chinese literary history. Recently, I have been working on proposals related to the Qing Court Drama of the Qianlong period, as well as the stylistic relationship between Ming-Qing opera and formulated exegesis. I enthusiastically welcome research proposals from prospective graduate students interested in Classical Chinese Opera, Formulated Exegesis and the Culture of Civil Service Examination, Ancient Chinese Stylistics, Classical Chinese Fiction, and Ming-Qing Literature. I am more than willing to engage in discussions regarding your proposals.
胡梓穎(即將出版):〈制藝的結尾:湯顯祖萬曆癸未會試制藝考論〉,《清華學報》。(THCI Core, 第一級)
胡梓穎(即將出版):〈有情以終滅為驗──湯顯祖制藝中的時間意識與《紫簫記》中的生命哲學〉,《人文中國學報》。(THCI Core, 第一級)
胡梓穎(2021):〈能於筆墨之外言所欲言者──湯顯祖嘉隆時期應試制藝研究〉,《湯顯祖學刊》,8 & 9,104-129。
胡梓穎、黃自鴻(2017):〈被建構的文類──從「辨體」角度論傳記與「傳奇文」〉,《臺大文史哲學報》,86,87-126。(THCI Core, 第一級)
黃自鴻、胡梓穎(2016):〈傳記與辨體觀──內部衝突的分類過程〉,《漢學研究》,34(1),95-122。(THCI Core, 第一級)