人文學院研究人員 - 麥詠華博士

人文學院研究人員 - 麥詠華博士
英語教育學系副系主任 / 助理教授
- Language Education
- Linguistics
The doctoral research journey is long and arduous, which demands academic vigour and perseverance. While much of the research work is self-directed and is pursued independently, support and guidance from a supervisor is deemed necessary. Playing the role of a supervisor, I see my role not only as a source of knowledge, but also a supporter and collaborator, providing students with constructive intellectual advice, academic and personal support, professional mentorship as well as research collaborations. Through quality supervision and mentorship, I hope my students can develop deep insights into their research area and become independent scholars in their respective field.
Since joining the Education University of Hong Kong in 2017, Dr. Pauline Mak has demonstrated her research capabilities and secured several competitive external research grants. Her publications have appeared in a number of international journals.
01/2023-12/2024 | General Research Fund | Towards an understanding of second language writing teachers’ metacognition in teaching | HK$737,140 |
10/2021-09/2023 | Standing Committee on Language Education and Research | Assessment as Learning through Portfolio Assessment in the Second Language Classroom | HK$1,124,244 |
01/2021-12/2022 | General Research Fund | Understanding the Development of Student Feedback Literacy in the L2 Writing | HK$661,240 |
05/2019-07/2022 | Quality Education Fund | Enhancing assessment literacy of principals, teachers and students through school-university partnership | HK$958,000 |