人文學院研究人員 - 李婉薇博士

人文學院研究人員 - 李婉薇博士
- Literature
I specialise in modern Chinese literature and am especially interested in the relationships among vernaculars, identities, and writing activities. Besides focusing on writers and literary text, I have tried introducing concepts and methodologies from history and linguistics into research. I believe that “relationships” and “interactions” were keywords in studying literature of the 20th century. From this perspective, literary studies related to different times and places are attractive to me. You are welcome to contact me via email to share your views on literary studies.
〈知識分子的掙扎:丘世文《周日牀上》的思想和語言〉(Struggles of an intellectual: The Thoughts and Languages of Joseph Yau Sai Man’s Sunday in Bed), 《淡江中文學報》, 第46期
〈「須講文法」再思〉(Rethinking ‘Respect grammar’ in ‘Preliminary Discussion of Literature Reform’ of Hu Shih),《外國學研究》(神戸市外國語大学), 第93期 (2019),頁 55-74。(2022),頁221-256。
〈革命.通俗.主體:論方言文學運動與《蝦球傳》〉(Revolution, Popularization and Subjectivity: A Discussion of Dialect Literature Movement and The Story of Shrimp-ball), 《國文學報》, 第64期(2018),頁193-224。
《清末民初的粵語書寫(修訂版)》(Cantonese Writing in the Late Qing and the Early Republic, 2nd print, revised edition, 2021)。香港:三聯書店(香港)有限公司, 2017年。
Early Career Award (2014 - 15)