人文學院研究人員 - 李烱樂博士

人文學院研究人員 - 李烱樂博士
- Phonetics
- Speech Prosody
- Second Language Acquisition
- Linguistics
I welcome PhD applications in phonetics and second language acquisition. In particular, I am interested in projects related to speech prosody (esp. production) in Japanese and Chinese languages. Please take a look at my grant projects for an idea of my current work.
- ECS grant (from 2021): ‘L2 phonemic quantity contrasts: Production and perception by Cantonese, French, English and Japanese speakers’ #28605120
- GRF grant (from 2022): ‘Comparative prosody modelling across languages’ #18600621
- GRF grant (from 2023): ‘Tonal Effects on Articulation: Acoustic Analysis, Ultrasound Data, and Articulatory Synthesis’