人文學院研究人員 - 林善敏博士

人文學院研究人員 - 林善敏博士
中國語言學系副系主任 / 助理教授
- Language Learning Motivation
Language Writing
Teacher Education
Research Methods
My research interests include language learning motivation, L1 and L2 Chinese writing and teacher education. I welcome project proposals from prospective students who are interested in motivational strategies of language teachers, writing motivation and examination of writing processes.
Selected Publications:
- Lam, S. M., Lee, C. K. J., & Si, C. M. (2024). Learning and Teaching Chinese as a First Language: International Perspectives, Routledge.
- Chan, C. K., & Lam, S.M. (2024). The Challenges of COVID-19 for Higher Education and the Implication to the Post-epidemic Era – Perspective from China and Hong Kong. In Rudolph, J., Crawford, J., Yin, S. C. & Tan, S. (eds), Palgrave Handbook of Crisis Leadership in Higher Education, Springer Nature.
- Lam, S. M., Lam, M. K., & Mak, C. M. (2023). Integrating concept-based learning into writing assessment in Chinese as a second language: An exploration in the Hong Kong international school context. In Hong, J. -F., & Si, C. M. (Eds.) Teaching Chinese in the International School Context. Springer.
- 林善敏(2023):IB中文二語教師對概念驅動的寫作教學的理解及評估素養,輯於梁源等編《國際文憑課程(IB)中文教學研究新探》,(頁203-220),香港,三聯書店。
- 林善敏和麥俊文(2021):對外漢語課程文化及歷史教學實施的現況、挑戰及展望,輯於馮志弘等主編《中國歷史文化教育及研究》,(頁58-80),香港,中華書局(香港)有限公司。
Selected Projects:
- Exploring Relationships between Writing Processes and Products of L1 Chinese Learners: A Longitudinal Study, Funding: Research Grants Council (RGC) Early Career Scheme, Budget granted: $683,898
- Use of AI-powered Tool to Promote Chinese Language Reading of Non-Chinese Speaking Primary Students in Hong Kong, Funding: Faculty Knowledge Transfer Fund, Budget granted: $80,000
- Enhancing Professional Excellence: Developing Motivational Strategies of Pre-Service Teachers in Chinese Language Classrooms, Funding: Teaching Development Grant (TDG), Budget granted: £399,900
Faculty Teaching Award 2022/23