人文學院研究人員 - 金晶博士

人文學院研究人員 - 金晶博士
- Linguistics
My research interests primarily lie in syntax-semantics interface, syntax-pragmatics interface, Chinese linguistics, and linguistic approaches to bilingualism. For the applicants interested in pursuing your PhD study at EdUHK, if you
- have received systematic training in (Chinese) linguistics or second/foreign language acquisition,
- have experience in independently conducting research on Chinese linguistics or second/foreign language acquisition, and
- possess good bilingual competence in English and Chinese,
you are welcome to contact me via email for further conversation. You may attach your CV and research proposal also for me to better know your academic background and research interests.
JIN Jing (2019) Partition and Quantity: Numeral Classifiers, Measurement, and Partitive Constructions in Mandarin Chinese. London/New York: Routledge.
- JIN Jing (2022) Attributional versus identificational: A dichotomous analysis of appositives in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Linguistics. Online first. doi:10.1017/S0022226722000342.
- JIN Jing, KE Sihui and LEE Chi-Kin John (2022) Language interfaces in adult heritage language acquisition: A study on encoding of nominal reference in Mandarin Chinese as a heritage language. Frontiers in Psychology 12:790102. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.790102.
- JIN Jing and Ke Sihui (2021) Second language acquisition at interfaces: A study of the word order variation in the Chinese nominal domain. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 50(3), 563–583. doi:10.1007/s10936-020-09707-6.
- 金晶 (2021) 並不唯一的“唯一”——“唯一”的語義—句法界面考察 [Not the one and the only weiyi: A semantics-syntax interface analysis of weiyi].《世界漢語教學》 [Chinese Teaching in the World] 2: 192-205.
- 金晶 (2020) 同位結構“單數人稱代詞+一個NP”語用功能再考察 [A revisit to the pragmatic function of the appositive construction “singular personal pronoun + yi ge NP”], 《語言教學與研究》[Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies] 4: 81-90.
- JIN Jing (2020) A revisit to the [Num-CI-Modifier-de-N]/[Modifier-de-Num-CI-N] variation in Mandarin Chinese. Language and Linguistics 21(2): 213-253.
- General Research Fund (GRF), University Grants Committee (UGC)
“Understanding the Relationship between Interlanguage Pragmatic Learning Strategies and Pragmatic Competence in Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language: A Cross-regional Comparison in Asian Contexts” (Jan 2022 - Dec 2024) - Internal Research Grant 2021-22, EdUHK
“Adult Bilinguals’ Interface Grammar Competence: A Comparison of L2 Learners and Heritage Learners of Chinese” (Apr 2022 - Apr 2023)