人文學院研究人員 - Dr DITTRICH Klaus

人文學院研究人員 - Dr DITTRICH Klaus
- History
I am a historian who is interested in global and transnational approaches to history. I mainly use education as a lens into broader historical phenomena. I am happy to supervise doctoral students who are interested in the areas that I focus on in my research. These include the history of education since the late eighteenth century, the history of modern European, and historical interactions between Europe and East Asia. I would be particularly keen on supervising projects on the history of foreign and international schools in China, Korea and Japan.
I have published my research in journals such as Paedagogica Historica, History of Education, Revista História da Educação, Itinerario, Social History of Medicine and the Bulletin of the History of Medicine. I have recently co-edited a special issue on “Education Fever” in modern Korea. I am currently completing a monograph Experts Going Transnational: Education at World Exhibitions during the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century which analyses the global circulation of educational ideas and practices during the institutionalisation process of mass schooling.