人文學院研究人員 - 張崇旂博士

人文學院研究人員 - 張崇旂博士
- Modern and Contemporary Irish Literature
- Women’s Writing
- The Short Story
- Literary and Cultural Translation
I am particularly interested in supervising prospective RPg students on modern and contemporary Irish literature. In addition, students who are interested in women’s writing, the short story, literary and cultural translation, and comparative literature are also welcome.
I have been active in teaching and researching literature. I was awarded the First Book Prize by The Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities in 2019. I am now an Early Career Fellow in HKAH. My monograph titled Traditions and Difference in Contemporary Irish Short Fiction: Ireland Then and Now was published by Springer in 2021. In addition, some of his works have been published in English Studies, Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction, Changing English, Children's Literature in Education, ANQ, Neohelicon, Journal of Language, Literature and Culture, The Explicator, CLCWeb, Wenshan Review, and Partial Answers (forthcoming).