Students of the Bachelor of Education (Chinese Language) and Bachelor of Education (English Language) – Primary have to attend a compulsory Language Immersion Programme on mainland China or in an English speaking country respectively where they can enhance their overall Mandarin or English proficiency while experiencing a different culture.
WONG Yin Ping Monica
BEd (English Language)
Apart from enabling me to realise my aspiration to become a teacher, the BEd(EL) programme also provided me with a wide array of learning experiences which have greatly enriched my university life . The overseas immersion programme was one of the most rewarding experiences I had. Having the opportunity to live and study in Canada in the summer of the third year of my study, I have learned about the education system in this country and gained first-hand experience during my placement in local secondary schools.
In order for us to really “immerse” ourselves in an English environment, each of us was placed in a host family individually so that we had more opportunities to communicate with our hosts. It was a very precious opportunity for us to improve our communicative competence in English and get to know various aspects of an English speaking culture such as lifestyles and ways of communication.

BEd (English Language)
I went to skydiving in Toronto during my Immersion.

LAU Ching Han
BEd (English Language)
New Zealand
Taken together with my friends Jessica and Scarlett, this photo was taken on a nice day with the good and comfortable weather outside Wellington waterfront. The sky was alluringly blue and the wind was gentle, which was the result of after a week of rain and storm. This little photo just remarked the commencement of this beautiful and amazing journey.