
Faculty Forum of the Faculty of Humanities

  • 2019年06月18日
  • 人文學院
  • 學院活動
The Faculty Forum of the Faculty of Humanities was held on 18 June 2019 (Tuesday). The forum serves as a valuable platform for all staff members of the Faculty to meet and share the latest development of the Faculty.


Professor Tong Ho Kin, the Faculty Dean consulted the participating staff members on the updated vision and mission of the Faculty, as well as the proposed revisions to the Faculty’s motto. Associate Deans/Acting Associate Dean and Heads/Acting Heads of the Departments and the Centre for Language in Education also provided updates on various areas such as programme development, research and knowledge transfer, as well as the review and future development of individual units.


The Faculty will continue to arrange this kind of platform regularly for the exchange and sharing of views with all staff members.


More photos from the Faculty Forum

Faculty Forum

Professor Tong Ho Kin, Dean of FHM shared the revised vision and mission of the Faculty

Q&A session of the Dean and Associate Deans/Acting Associate Dean

Q&A session of the Dean and Associate Deans/Acting Associate Dean

Participants shared their views during the Q&A session

Participants shared their views during the Q&A session

Q&A session of the Heads/Acting Heads of departments/CLE

Q&A session of the Heads/Acting Heads of departments/CLE

The Faculty Forum of FHM was held on 18 June 2019

The Faculty Forum of FHM was held on 18 June 2019