Recent, current and coming activities:


Invited Seminar on “Globalising Citizenship Education, Asian Perspectives: Ambitions and Realities” 21-23 June 2009

Lunch Seminar on "Model United Nations and Student Learning at HKIEd" 21 April 2009

Citizenship Education KRA and the Centre for Citizenship Education “Who am I?”: Reflections on identity, citizenship, and morality 16 April 2009

Join Forum Co-organized by the Centre for Citizenship Education & General Education Office on " From May 4 to June 4" 3 April 2009

Joint Seminar by CCE amd CRSE :Pluralistic Perspectives on European Developments in Religious Education and Citizenship Education " 04 Mar 2009

Citizenship Education KRA and the Centre for Citizenship Education :"Research in Civic Education: What is the State of the Art? What are the Possibilities? " 18 Feb 2009

Join Forum Co-organized by Centre for Citizenship Education, Gender Matters Group & General Education Office on "Domestic Violence Ordinance" 12 Feb 2009

Lunch Seminar on "Parliamentary Culture " 23 Jan 2009

Lunch Seminar on "Media and Making of Citizens" 9 Dec 2008

Lunch Semonar on "Asian- Americans Returning to Asia" 12 Nov 2008

公民教育中心 性別關注小組 合辦 - 本院通識科目-【基督教與社會關懷】: 公開講座:反性傾向歧視面面觀 10 Nov 2008

Joint Seminar by FES, MSST, CCE and the Citizenship Education KRA :Democracy, Citizenship Education, and Inclusion: A Multidimensional Approach " 7 Nov 2008

Joint Seminar by FES, MSST, CCE and the Citizenship Education KRA : "Developing Globally- Minded Teachers for the 21 st Century: Perspectives from Recent Research " 5 Nov 2008

公民教育中心、 宗教教育與心靈教育中心合辦- 公開講座:社關最前線「 本院通識科目:【基督教與社會關懷】」午間講座 1 Nov 2008

Joint Seminar Co-organised by Citizenship Education KRA and the Centre for Citizenship Education" Cultural Representation of Ethnic Minorities in China’s University Media" 29 Oct 2008

June Conference: Invited Seminar on National Education, among China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan held in 12-14 June 2008

Book Exhibtion Primary Education:Primary Matters( 2008 Seminar Series) Series 2 - Celebrating Quality Practice 29 May 2008

Lunch Seminar on Implementing Citizenship Education in Twenty Seven Seocieties: Does the mode of Curriculum Delivery Enhance Student Learning ? 30 Apr 2008

Book Exhibtion Primary Education:Primary Matters( 2008 Seminar Series) Series 2- Celebrating Quality Practices 22 Apr 2008

Lunch seminar on 全球化下香港師生的國際視野 13 Feb 2008

Lunch seminar on Dealing with the Past: Some inconvenient questions for Citizenship Education 11 Dec 2007

Lunch seminar on Democracy and Patroitism: Hong Kong Students' Conception of the "good Citizen" 05 Dec 2007

MSST & CCE joint Lunch BooK Seminar "Social Education in Asis: Critical issues and multiple perspectives 21 Nov 2007

CCE & EPCL joint seminar: Cross-Cultural Activist Practitioner Inquiry in the Multicultural Landscape 20 Nov 2007

Joint Seminar Co-organised by Gender and Society (GE Module, MSST), Gender Matters Group & Centre for Citizenship Education: 女人多自在---女性參政 31 Oct 2007

CCE & EPCL joint seminar: Cultivating Culturally Responsive Environment for Diverse Learners 23 Oct 2007

Lunch Seminar on Seeking Cosmopolitan Citizenship: Comparative Case Study of Two International Schools 22 Oct 2007

CCE & SU Joint Open Forum " The Political Reform Green Paper 25 Sept 2007

Lunch Seminar on "International Issues in Citizenship Education: The Sage International Handbook on Citizenship Education", 14 Jun 2007

Lunch Seminar on "Reshaping the Landscape Images and Memory in Japanese Textbooks: Past and Present", 13 Jun 2007

Lunch Seminar on "citizED - Cooperative Partnerships in Citizenship Education between Schools and Teacher Educators", 12 Jun 2007

Lunch Seminar on "Citizenship Education in England - Issues for Curriculum, Teaching and Assessment", 11 Jun 2007

Lunch Seminar on "Student Exchange and Global Citizenship: Expanding Beyond the Developed World ", 7 Mar 2007

Lunch Seminar on Chief Executive Election ", 28 Feb 2007

Lunch Seminar on "Civic engagement as an outreach tool of the university: A case study", 12 Jan 2007

Lunch Seminar on "Re-envisioning Education and Democracy", 5 Jan 2007

"MSST-CCE Joint Lunch Seminar", 5 Dec 2006

Lunch Seminar on Lunch Seminar on "New Issues for Citizenship Education Research: Further Explorations of the IEA Civic Education Database", 1 Dec 2006

Lunch Seminar on "Redefining Gender Inequality in Chinese Schooling", 22 Nov 2006

Lunch Seminar on "Teaching and Researching for Social Justice", 15 Nov 2006

Democratic Development of Hong Kong: Lessons from Taiwan's Experience, 10 Nov 2006

Lunch Seminar on "Identifying Research Issues in Citizenship Education: An Introduction to the Possibilities for Research Using the IEA Civic Education Database", 1 Nov 2006

Lunch Seminar on "Citizenship Education and the Peace Process in Northern Ireland", 18 Oct 2006

Exchange of Ideas between Local and Mainland China Human Right Education Scholars and Educators, 18 July 2006

Seminar on Pedagogies of Moral and Civic Education for Democratic Citizenship, among China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan held in 9-10 June 2006

Study Trip to Taiwan on Civic and Human Rights Education, 13-18 April 2006

Children's Rights Forum, 23 February 2006

National Identity and Global Citizenship Education: School-based Development - Experience sharing at Quality Education Fund's promotion of Civic and Moral Education programme on 21 January, 2006

School and Human Rights Forum, 29 November 2005, jointly with NGOs in human rights.

Constitutional Review Forum, jointly organized by the Centre and Student Affairs Office & Student Union, 25 Oct, 2005.

Seminar on ‘civic education in China and Hong Kong’ with 10 professors from Sun Yat-sen University, PRC led by Professor Zhong Minghua, 30 September, 2005

Coming Events

Activities of Other Organizations