Citizenship Education KRA and the Centre for Citizenship Education :
"Research in Civic Education: What is the State of the Art?
What are the Possibilities? "

18 Feb 2009



Chair : Dr. Leung Yan Wing

Speaker: Prof. Hahn, Carole




Carole Hahn is the Charles Howard Candler Professor of Educational Studies at Emory University. She teaches social studies education, comparative education, and comparative civic education. She was the National Research Coordinator for the U.S. portion of the IEA Civic Education Study. Her 1998 book Becoming Political: Comparative Perspectives in Citizenship Education reported on a mixed methods study in four European countries and the United States. Hahn received the Jean Dresden Grambs Distinguished Career Research Award of the National Council for the Social Studies and she was an editor for the international SAGE Handbook of Education for Citizenship and Democracy (SAGE, 2008).




In this seminar, Professor Hahn will summarize research findings and methods from civic education and political socialization studies conducted in diverse regions of the world, as well as from international and comparative studies. She will discuss “what we know” and “what we need to know” in the years ahead, outlining an agenda for future international research in education for citizenship and democracy.



