Abstracts & Papers

Dr Ahmed Mohamed
Maldives National University
Authentic Leadership in the School Context: A Qualitative Meta-synthesis
Prof Allan Walker
Education University of Hong Kong
Developments in School Leadership in Hong Kong
Dr Aziah Ismail
University of Malaya
Satellite Leadership Support
for Enhancing Indigenous School Improvement
Prof Darren Bryant
Curtin University
Developments in School Leadership in Hong Kong
Prof David Gurr
University of Melbourne
Changing Contexts: Implications
of AI for School Leadership
Dr Dhirapat Kulophas
Chulalongkorn University
Authentic Leadership in the School Context: A Qualitative Meta-synthesis
Dr George Kencana
Nalanda College
Buddhist Leadership in
Educational Institution Development
Prof Haim Shaked
Hemdat Hadarom College of Education
Adjustments in Instructional Leadership to Foster Social Justice
Prof Wang Hong
Eaxh China Normal University
Teachers' Development Leadership: How Principals Prmote Teachers' Professional Development in China
Dr Lu Jiafang
Education University of Hong Kong
Succssion Leadership Scale
for Rotating School Principals: Development anbd Validation
Prof Kerry Kennedy
Education Uniuversity of Hong Kong
‘Caring for’ and ‘Caring about’ – Leadership’s Twin Responsibilities
in Challenging Times
Prof Lin Ming-Dih
National Chung Cheng University
A Case Study of Learning Practice for a Secondary School Principal in Taiwan
Dr Miron Kumar Bhowmik
Education University of Hong Kong
‘Caring for’ and ‘Caring about’ – Leadership’s Twin Responsibilities
in Challenging Times
Prof Chen Pei-Ying
National Taiwan Normal University
Exploring the Dynamics of Transformational Leadership, Adminisrative Support, and Teacher Community Agency in Curriculum Reform
Dr Pakorn Akkakanjanasupar Chulalongkorn University
The Role of Educaitonal Leadership in Advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Initiatives with Thai Schools
Dr Qian Haiyan
Education University of Hong Kong
An Exploration of Network Leadership Practices of Master Principal Studio's Host in China
Prof Yin Hongbiao
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Enhancing the International Relevance of Your Research: The Challenge for Asian Researchers to Get Published
Prof Pan Hui Ling Wendy
Tamkang University
Enahancing Teache Innovation
in Curriculum Reform Contexts
through School Support
Dr Zhang Meng Mona
East China Normal University
Convergent and Divergent Patterns
in the Leadership Roles and Behaviors
of Master Teacher Studio Hosts
in China
Dr Rattana Lao
The Asia Fopundation
Unpacking te "Crisis" Discourse
on Small Schools Policy in Thailand
Dr Rima Kamari Akkary
American University of Beirut
Authentic Leadership in the School Context: A Qualitative Meta-synthesis
Dr Sedat Gumus
Education University of Hong Kong
The Nature and Effects of Instructional Leadership
in Different Contexts
Dr Liu Shengnan
East China Normal University
Leading in Changing Contexts - China
Prof Tobias Feldhoff
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Tracking Back the Journey
of School Improvement in Germany:
Policies, Patterns, and Prospect
Prof Tony Bush
University of Nottingham
Changing Contexts
for Leading Schools -
School Leadership in Malaysia
Prof Chen Wen-Yan
National Chi Nan University
Roel Practices of School Middle Leaders in the Conext of Curriculum Reform:
A Qualitative Exploration in Taiwan
Prof Yang Xiaowei
Guangxi Normal University
Principal Leadership
in School Transformation
Prof Zheng Yulian
Guizhou Education University
An Exploration of Network Leadership Practices of Master Principal Studio's Host in China
Dr Song Zhaoli
National University of Singapore
A 2nd-order Meta-analysis
on Leadership Effectiveness:
Views from Beyond Education
Prof Zhu Zhiyong
Beijing Normal University
Exploring the Impact of
Principals' Emotional Intelligence
on Teaching Strategy Mediated by Principals' Instructional Leadership