Keynotes, Plenary & Discussion

Keynote and Plenary Sessions

Prof Tony Bush
University of Nottingham
Changing Context for Leading Schools
Dr Sedat Gumus
Education University of Hong Kong
The Nature and Effects of
Instructional Leadership
in Different Contexts
Dr Song Zhaoli
National University of Singapore
A 2nd-order Meta-analysis on Leadership Effectiveness:
Views from Beyond Education
Dr Liu Shengnan
East China Normal University
Leading inb Changing Contexts - China
Prof David Gurr
University of Melbourne
Changing Contexts:
Implications of AI for School Leadership
Prof Yin Hongbiao
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Enhancing the International Relevance of Your Research: The Challenge for Asian Researchers to Get Published

Group Discussion - New Leadership Challenges in the Global Context

Prof Wendy Pan
Tamkang University
Synthesis PPTs
Dr Ewan Wright
The Education University of Hong Kong
Dr Paul Campbell
The Education University of Hong Kong
Prof Chen Pei-Ying
East China Normal University, China
Prof Wang Hong
South China Normal University
Dr Liu Shengnan
East China Normal University
Dr Lawrie Drysdale
University of Melbourne
Dr Helen Goode
University of Melbourne
Dr Donnie Adams
University of Melbourne
Dr Rattana Lao
The Asia Foundation
Dr Bambang Sumintono
Universitas Islam Internasional
Dr Ori Eyal
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Prof Haim Shaked
Hemdat Hadarom College of Education

Panel Discussion - Publication Challenges facing Emerging Scholars in Asia

Prof Philip Hallinger
Mahidol University
Plenary Speaker
Prof Yin Hongbiao
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Panel Members
Prof Tony Bush
University of Nottingham
Prof Ellen Goldring
Vanderbilt University
Prof David Gurr
University of Melbourne
Prof Guri Skedsmo
Nanjing Normal University, China