Page 50 - Sponsor Booklet
P. 50

Appendix I: Checking for the Components of
                                    Good Coaching Relationship

                                    (Bacon and Spear, 2003, pp.123-124)


                             Are you honest and worthy of trust? Will you always tell me the
                             Do you keep your promises and  commitments? Will you do
                                what you say you will do and deliver what you promise?
                             Will you be candid with me, even if  it means giving me bad
                             Will you treat me fairly?
                             Will you look out for my interests? Will you do what’s right for

                             Will you avoid surprising me with problems or costs I hadn’t
                                counted on?
                             Will you keep any secrets I tell you? Will you be discreet?
                             Will you be there when I need you?


                             Are you a  reputable coach?  Have you helped other people
                             Do you have the education, experience, and background I need?

                             Do you know what you’re talking about?
                             Do you understand my needs, and have you helped others with
                                similar needs?
                             Do you speak confidently?

                             Do your answers to my questions reveal deep knowledge of the
                             Do you ask knowledgeable and insightful questions of me?
                             Have you worked in my industry or company before?

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