Page 52 - Sponsor Booklet
P. 52

Appendix II:
                                    Coaching Style Preference Self Assessment

                                    (Bacon and Spear, 2003, pp.113-115)

                           This is a forced-choice questionnaire. For each pair of statements, indicate
                           which statement best describes how you  prefer to coach by circling the
                           corresponding letter in the right-hand column. Though some statements may
                           seem close, force yourself to choose one or the other.
                                  I prefer to observe the people I’m coaching, determine what help they need,   D
                                  and then offer suggestions, advice, and feedback.
                             1    I prefer to act  as  a sounding board  for the people I’m coaching, asking
                                  questions to help them think through their issues and needs and letting them   N
                                  discover the right answers for themselves.
                                  I prefer to help my coaching clients build specific skills or deal with specific   S
                                  I prefer to coach people more broadly on their overall development, including   H
                                  career choices and non-work-related issues.
                                  I prefer to coach people on an ongoing basis-weekly, monthly, or quarterly-  P
                                  and to schedule coaching sessions regularly.
                                  I prefer to coach people only during periodic performance reviews or when   C
                                  the need arises.
                                  I prefer to coach by sharing my knowledge, experience, and perspectives with
                                  the people I’m coaching and telling them what I think they need to know. In   D
                             4    my coaching, I am most like a teacher.
                                  I prefer to coach by being a good listener and responding thoughtfully to what   N
                                  I hear. In my coaching, I am most like a counselor.
                                  I prefer to coach people on every aspect of their personal and professional
                                  lives. I am comfortable discussing people’s career plans  and  enjoy helping   S
                                  them think through their options.
                                  I prefer  to coach people  on particular performance problems or short-term
                                  skill development needs. I am less comfortable discussing people’s career   H
                                  plans and don’t see myself as a career counselor.
                                  I prefer to coach only when something happens that indicates I need to do   P
                                  some coaching.
                                  I prefer to coach  people  regularly, as part  of a comprehensive program for   C
                                  building their skills and improving their performance.
                                  I usually give people feedback on their performance and tell them how I think   D
                                  they are doing, making suggestions as appropriate.
                                  I usually ask people how they think they are doing and use questions to help   N
                                  them explore their perceptions before I tell them what I think.

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