Page 55 - Sponsor Booklet
P. 55
Facilitator Counselor
Facilitator coaches have a long-term Counselor coaches take a broad view of
interest in helping coachees develop, their coaching responsibility and strive,
and they focus on specific skill-based through a series of regular interventions, to
growth needs. They are often more help coachees develop the full spectrum of
highly skilled at tasks than coachees are, their capabilities. They believe in self-
but they prefer that coachees work development, so they are supportive and
through the issues themselves. They see encouraging but generally refrain from
their goal as helping others help them- telling coachees what they should do. They
selves, and they tend to refrain from are often not subject matter experts, and
giving advice or exercising authority. they may not be highly skilled in areas
Oftentimes, they are team members or where coachees want help. Their role is to
peers and may have a mutual coaching guide others in self-discovery.
relationship with the coachee.
Colleague Mentor
As the name implies, colleague coaches Mentor coaches serve as wise advisors.
often have a peer relationship with the They are generally older and far more
coachees, and their preferred mode is to experienced than their coaches, and they
act as a thought partner or sounding act as shepherds – gently guiding in the
board for their coachees. They generally right direction, posing questions that help
coach only when asked for coaching, and coachees discover the path for themselves.
they focus entirely on specific skill-based They are often exemplars – models of the
needs. They may tell coachees how they way to live one’s life or assume particular
have done something previously, but responsibilities. They coach infrequently,
they mainly coach by asking questions, but because of their stature, their
listening, and thoughtfully responding to interventions are likely to have great
questions in order to help coachees impact.
solve the problems themselves.