Page 54 - Sponsor Booklet
P. 54
Appendix III: Coaching Style Preference Self
Assessment Scoring & Coaching Style Taxonomy
(Bacon and Spear, 2003, pp.102-103 & 115)
D(Directive) __________
N(Nondirective) __________ Your preference _________
P(Programmatic) __________
C(Circumstantial) __________ Your Preference _________
S(Specific) __________
H(Holistic) __________ Your Preference _________
Teacher Parent
Teacher coaches are experts in their Parent coaches are committed to the
PROGRAMMATIC Working from their knowledge and their hierarchical position or superior
field who coach by instructing, giving long-term development of their coachees.
feedback, and demonstrating skills. They take a directive approach because of
experience, they focus on specific knowledge base. They may, in fact, know
skill-based issues, such as performance better than their coachees, but their goal is
skills. They coach on an ongoing basis to help coachees achieve equal status and
over an extended period – and their goal effectiveness. They are prone to giving
is to build a broad but tactical set of career advice and take a strong interest in
skills or knowledge. These coaches often their coachees’ growth along many
create development programmes that dimensions. They typically coach over an
lead coachees through a sequence of extended period and see their coachees
learning steps over time. evolve significantly.
Manager Philosopher
Manager coaches are typically busy, Philosopher coaches interact with coachees
coach only in response to a specific only occasionally, and when they do, they
need, and focus on the isolated skill or are mainly concerned with the develop-
CIRCUMSTANTIAL Because they generally have a tends to come from a position of superior
task they think needs improvement. ment of the whole person. Their guidance
hierarchical relationship with the knowledge, expertise, or moral certitude –
people they coach, they favor a though their advice is not necessarily
directive approach. Their experience and spiritual in nature. They often coach by
expertise often make them more telling stories or relating experiences from
knowledgeable than coachees, so their own lives and hold themselves up as
they tend to make performance examples to follow. “Words of wisdom”
observations, give feedback, and set typically come from this type of coach.
expectations. These coaches
expect to see short-term performance