Page 48 - Sponsor Booklet
P. 48

Roles and Responsibilities

                         The following provides a basic description of the roles and responsibilities of all those engaged
                         in blue skies.  Further information is included in other booklets.

                                           Beginning Principals                 Sponsors


                          Overview                                  ●    Attend entire blue skies Sponsor
                                                                         Training Day
                          and                                       ●    Become familiar with blue skies
                          Sponsor                                   ●    Commit in writing to blue skies
                          Purpose and   ●   Attend entire session
                                      ●    Complete initial learning goals
                          Commitment  ●    Complete personal information form
                                      ●    Commit in writing to blue skies

                          Explorations   ●   Complete all Exploration tasks
                                           between formal events either
                                           individually or in Learning Squares

                          Ongoing     ●    Attend the two-day       ●   Attend ‘Skills for Sponsors’ Training Day
                                           Live-in Learning         ●   Work with Learning Square
                          Programme   ●    Attend Learning Square    ●   Attend the Showcase Forum
                                           Meetings, Cluster Connections   ●   Monitor, support and challenge the work
                                           and Stimulus Series          of Learning Square members
                                      ●    Attend the entire Showcase    ●   Organize Shadowing
                                           Forum                    ●   Attend Learning Square Meetings,
                                      ●    Complete one day             Cluster Connections and Stimulus Series
                                           Shadowing Learning       ●   Stay in regular contact with Learning
                                      ●    Engage in Special Learning Event/s   Square –  be accessible
                                      ●    Stay in close contact with Sponsor   ●   Discuss the progress of learning and its
                                           and Learning Square members   influence of leadership behaviour and
                                      ●    Engage as necessary with     school context
                                           self-scheduled components    ●   Read Mini-Modules and
                                           of the Programme             Knowledge Spikes
                                      ●    Read Mini-Modules and    ●   Complete Learning Square Observation
                                           Knowledge Spikes             during the blue skies programme
                                      ●    Assess impact of involvement    ●   Assess impact of involvement on own
                                           on own leadership behaviour   leadership behaviour
                                      ●    Attend Celebration       ●   Attend Celebration

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