Page 53 - Sponsor Booklet
P. 53

I am very comfortable discussing people’s personal problems and offering my   H
                            suggestions, where appropriate.
                            I am not comfortable discussing people’s personal  problems and  offering  my   S
                            I prefer to coach people only when they think they need help, which depends on   C
                            the circumstances.
                            I would  rather  meet with  the people  I’m coaching  routinely so we can work    P
                            together continuously on their development plan.
                            I think that as  a coach I  should refrain  from  giving people  advice. Instead,
                            I should guide them  through a process  of self-discovery  where they  learn to   N
                       10   solve their own problems and help themselves.
                            I think that as a coach I should set the agenda for coaching sessions and give   D
                            people the kind of help I think they need. That’s what they expect from a coach.
                            As a coach, I am most interested in how people develop over time. I try to help
                            them think through where they want to be in a year or two and what it will take   P
                            for them to get there.
                            As a  coach, I am most  interested in  helping  people solve  their immediate
                            problems and learn what they need to learn to be more effective now. I think   C
                            the long term takes care of itself.
                            As I coach, I am most intrigued by someone’s overall development as a person,
                            and that may include his or her spiritual and personal growth. I enjoy coaching   H
                       12   on a wide range of issues that help the whole person.
                            As I coach, I am most interested in helping people build their work skills and   S
                            become more capable in areas directly related to their job.
                            I don’t have, or would  prefer  not to  have, a  personal development  plan that   C
                       13   defines my developmental needs and indicates how I am going to get there.
                            I have, or would prefer to have, a personal development plan.        P
                            I don’t like it when people won’t just speak up and tell me what they think I   D
                       14   should do.
                            I don’t like people to give me advice.                               N
                            I most admire coaches who are masters of particular tasks, skills or disciplines.   S
                       15   I most admire coaches whose whole approach to  life and work is worth
                            modeling.                                                            H

                      Coaching Style Preferences Self-Assessment Scoring
                      To determine your coaching style preferences, enter the number of times you
                      circled each letter in the following page. The letter in each pair that you circled
                      most often indicates your preference in the three dimensions of coaching style.

   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57