Page 16 - Mini-Module 9
P. 16

The role of Stakeholders in Schools with an Incorporated
                          Management Committee

                          The Education Ordinance requires all  aided schools to each have an
                          Incorporated Management Committee (IMC) which shall be principally
                          responsible for the management of the school.  The composition of an

                          IMC is stipulated to include School Sponsoring Body managers, the
                          principal,  teacher  and  alumni   elected  representatives,  and
                          independent managers. Therefore, each stakeholder has a role.

                          The IMC of a school shall be responsible for:

                          1.   formulating education policies of the school in accordance with the vision and
                              mission set by the sponsoring body;

                          2.   planning and managing financial and human resources available to the school;
                          3.   accounting to the Permanent  Secretary  and the sponsoring  body  for the
                              performance of the school;
                          4.   ensuring that the mission of the school is carried out;
                          5.   ensuring that the education of the pupils of the school is promoted in a proper
                              manner; and
                          6.   school planning and self-improvement of the school .

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