Page 21 - Mini-Module 9
P. 21

The Role of Other Managers in a School with an IMC

                               Every IMC shall consist of at least one teacher, one parent,
                               one alumnus, and one independent manager, the exact
                               number being as provided for in the IMC constitution. The
                               Principal has a duty to nominate such number of teacher
                               or alternate teacher managers as elected from among the
                               teachers of the school (and specialist staff as well if the
                               school is a special school) for registration as a manager.

                               The election of teacher managers must be conducted in an
                               election in which all teachers of the school shall have equal
                               voting right and right of candidature.
                               The alumnus elected shall be nominated by a recognized
                               alumni association for registration as a manager. The
                               election shall be conducted in a fair and transparent
                               manner, and the person elected must be an alumnus and

                               must not be a teacher of the school.

                               These managers shall be entitled to fully participate in the
                               discussions and resolutions of the IMC. Under section 40AZ
                               the IMC may either generally or for a specific purpose
                               delegate any function conferred on it by the Education
                               Ordinance to any manger of the school. Such a manager
                               shall report to the IMC on any act done pursuant to the
                               delegated function and make such report at the meeting
                               of the committee immediately following the doing of the

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