Page 20 - Mini-Module 9
P. 20

c.   sign the statement of accounts of the committee;

                            d.   within one month of:

                                (i)  the receipt or issue of a writ or other originating process
                                (except one issued in proceedings in the Small Claims Tribunal
                                within the meaning of the  Small Claims  Tribunal  Ordinance (Cap
                                338) and the Minor Employment Claims Adjudication Board within
                                the meaning of the Minor Employment Claims Adjudication Board
                                Ordinance (Cap 453)) by the committee; or

                                (ii)  the handing down of the judgment in the proceedings to which
                                such writ or originating process relates, give notice in writing of the
                                event to the Permanent Secretary; and

                            e.   perform such functions as may be provided for in the
                                 constitution of the committee.

                            A  notice  required  to  be  given  by  the  incorporated
                            management committee shall be given in the name of and
                            signed by the supervisor.

                            Given that a Supervisor is not in attendance at the school on
                            a daily basis, and may therefore not have first hand
                            knowledge of the above events, it is incumbent on a Principal
                            to inform the Supervisor and  to render such assistance as
                            may be necessary for him to complete his legal duties.

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