Page 11 - Mini-Module 9
P. 11

What types of liability can schools and people
                                     involved in schools incur?

                            Civil Liability – Generally this is liability incurred arising from a breach of a
                            legal duty owed to another individual or legal person. The action is
                            instituted by the party claiming loss arising from the breach. Common
                            causes of action giving rise to such liability include breach of contract,
                            negligence, breach of trust, defamation and breach of copyright. Typical
                            awards against defendants are damages, injunctions and declarations.

                            Criminal Liability  – When an individual commits an act that is an
                            infringement of a criminal statute he becomes criminally liable. In this
                            instance the state commences the action and the government is the
                            prosecutor. There are many acts that give rise to criminal actions,
                            including murder, robbery, arson, wounding, common assault, theft,
                            sexual assault, bribery and intimidation.
                            Schools regularly enter into contracts with third parties for supplies and
                            services. While we shall examine the employment relationship relating to
                            teachers in section 4 (page 25), it is useful to note the following in
                            considering contracts with third parties:
                            1.   Who are the parties to the contract?

                                 On the part of the school, it could be the Incorporated Management
                                 Committee, the Supervisor, the Principal or one of the teachers. In
                                 any case, we should carefully consider the authority that the
                                 contracting party has to enter into such an agreement, and the
                                 liability that could attach.
                            2.   Will the school be responsible for meeting the obligations under the

                            3.   Who will enforce the contract if there is a breach on the part of the

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