Page 14 - Mini-Module 9
P. 14

Essential Differences in Schools without an IMC
                                    and those with an IMC

                            With an IMC    Functions and powers of IMC set out in more detail in  Composition requirements include SSB Members,  Principal, and elected Teacher, Parent and Alumni  members and alternate members, and independent  members. SSB members not to exceed 60% of maxi- Supervisor either appointed by SSB or elected and  holds office according to IMC constitution.  Giving notice of change in managers and principal  Notifying of judicial proceedings and

                                School managed by the IMC      s.40AE and s.40AF      mum number of managers.        Supervisor’s duties include  Presiding over meetings of IMC   Signing accounts      schools.                 SSB expressly responsible for:-   school carried out  Overseeing the performance of IMC.     Managers do not incur personal liability.

                            Without an IMC    Responsibilities for management and compliance with  Except that Code of Aid sets minimum number of manag-  Supervisor recommended by SSB for approval by EDB.   All correspondence between school and EDB to be con-  No requirement for constitution unless directed by EDB  SMC to recommend a teacher for appointment as princi- SSB not expressly required to oversee performance of

                                School managed by the SMC   Education Ordinance  ers at 5, composition of SMC not defined.   ducted by supervisor.   Views of SSB shall prevail over SMC   school   Managers could be held personally liable.

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