Page 18 - Mini-Module 9
P. 18

The School Sponsoring Body (SSB)

                               Section 40AE of the Education Ordinance provides that the
                               SSB shall be responsible for:
                               meeting the cost of furnishing and equipping the new
                               school premises of the school to, where applicable,
                               standards as recommended by the Permanent Secretary;

                               I.   setting the vision and mission for the school;
                               II.   maintaining full control of the use of funds and assets owned by
                               III.   deciding the mode of receiving government aid;
                               IV.   ensuring, through the sponsoring body managers,  that  the
                                    mission is carried out;
                               V.   giving  general directions to the incorporated management
                                    committee in the formulation of education policies of the school;
                               VI.   overseeing the performance of the incorporated management
                                    committee; and
                               VII.  drafting the  constitution  of the incorporated management

                               Given that a Principal has a primary duty to account to the
                               IMC, there is no specific duty relative to the SSB. However,
                               it is not uncommon for a Principal to attend and report on
                               the progress of a school at meetings of the SSB itself. A
                               Principal, however, should bear in mind that, unlike when
                               there was only a management committee consisting of SSB
                               members, instructions from SSB managers should properly
                               be given at an IMC meeting. SSB Managers are one class of
                               managers, and though they can have a dominant say on the
                               IMC, it is legally proper to consider authority stemming
                               from the IMC where other stakeholders also have a say.

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