Page 35 - Mini-Module 11
P. 35

The Main Body

                          1.   Facts and Findings
                               This is the opportunity to show to the reader precisely what you found
                               out. Present the unadorned facts. These can be quite revealing. When
                               some  people  write  reports,  they  discover  things  which  quite  clearly
                               contradict  established  thinking,  and  they  take  great  pleasure  in
                               presenting the facts as they stand.
                               Present your findings, but do not overdo it. You may have acquired a
                               vast amount of data but you will swamp the reader if you present it all,
                               so  you  may  have  to  do  some  drastic  pruning.  Only  include  relevant
                               facts.  We  outlined  the  problem  earlier  of  getting  too  close  to  your
                               work,  so  much  so  that  you  find  it  heartbreaking  to  discard  anything.
                               Unfortunately for you (but fortunately for the reader) you have to be
                               ruthless and only use what is important. Failing to do that will cloud the
                               Whenever possible, use visual aids such as charts, graphs and tables. If
                               they are simple like pie charts, they are easier to take in than wordy
                               explanations. If there are many figures, summarise them before putting
                               them in graphic form. The more comprehensive data can be put in an
                               appendix. Sometimes you may not be sure whether to include a visual
                               aid in the main text. Two things you can do:

                               ●    Ask yourself whether it is critically relevant.
                               ●    Ask someone to look at it for ten seconds and then explain what it
                                    means. If it is simple enough they will be able to do this.
                               When  we  state  our  findings  as  part  of  a  consultancy,  we  like  to  say
                               something positive first, even if we have seen a very negative picture.
                               The client likes to feel that you have not merely found the faults but
                               also  observed  some  good  points.  This  does  not  mean  you  avoid  the
                               truth.  It  simply  shows  you  are  able  to  see  both  weak  and  strong

                          2.   Discussion
                               This is the part where you analyse the facts and interpret them. In your
                               analysis, you wish to draw attention to particularly interesting results,
                               perhaps  unexpected  ones.  You  will  highlight  discrepancies,  the  gaps
                               between what you were expecting to find and what you actually found.
                               You will identify patterns or trends. You will discuss the results which
                               are  very  important  and  perhaps  disregard  those  which  are  of  no
                               importance.  At  the  same  time,  you  will  discuss  possible  reasons  for
                               results turning out as they did and give explanations where necessary.
                               Whilst the summary may be the most important part of the report from
                               a presentation point of view, you will probably spend a great deal of
                               time on the discussion. This is really the substance, the meat of your
                               report. Generally, most people can write a passable report which gives

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